Verification of Bill Draft, Customer PO and CIS to ensure three- way matching of selling unit prices, quantity and material codes in all the documents.
The verified documents are then sent to Janet from JCS sales support team for SO modification.
2PRF to PO conversion
Checking JCS inventory report for stock availability, verifying PRF, CIS and vendor quotation to ensure all the buying unit prices and part codes are matching correctly.
Three- way tallying of PRF to BD to CIS to ensure quantities and part codes are correct.
The verified documents are then sent to JCS for PR line item creation.
The modified PRF is then forwarded to DBC team for vendor PO creation.
In case of any concerns , Support the DBC team to ensure PO is released on time.
3Material Inward Process
Follow up and liaising with vendors to ensure timely receipt of materials at JCS w/h.
Upon getting dispatch clearance from Sales team, Proceed for shipment dispatches to India Customers.
4Material Dispatch Process